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  • Public Data Intelligence

    Specializing in transforming your organization's decisions to be data-driven utilizing Microsoft Power BI

Data Analytics and Reporting Services

We provide standardized data and analytics reporting services using Power BI, a powerful and versatile tool that enhances your ability to make data-driven decisions. Whether you need to create dashboards, reports, or interactive charts, we can help you turn your data into insights that matter. We work with various sources of public data, such as public works, parks, capital projects, and transportation, to deliver customized solutions that meet your needs and goals. Contact us today and let us help you unleash the power of data.

Specializing in Supporting Public Departments & Operations

Modernize your reporting capabilities and operational efficiencies with our standardized products and solutions 

We are proud to offer our data and analytics reporting services to public departments and operations, such as municipal governments, utility districts, parks departments, and public transportation. We understand the challenges and opportunities that these sectors face in leveraging and utilizing public data. We are committed to providing you with the best solutions to better serve your community.

Schedule a consultation with us today to learn how Public Data Intelligence can provide the right solutions to fit your operational needs.

Staff Efficiencies

Utilize our tools to automate and streamline data collection and processing, saving your staff time and resources. Our standardized reporting strategy gives your organization a centralized source for the key performance indicators valuable to your operations.

Stakeholder Communication

Enable collaboration and feedback among your staff and stakeholders, fostering a culture of data-driven decisions. Leverage our tools to have updated data easily accessible to your organization, providing enhanced communication capabilities with your community and elected representatives.

Explore the benefits of leveraging Microsoft Power BI

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